All those people,
such a big crowd
How am I even supposed to stand out?
Everyone seems to know exactly who they are
But I feel like my road's still far

I feel like an empty paper,
I got nothing to say
And even when I do,
My goddamn fear takes all the words away

How can I show the world that there's more to me?
If I never really open my mouth, how is anyone supposed to see?

I wanna tell so much
but I speak so little
Why can't I let go?
even to myself I'm a riddle

All this fear puts my dreams in trouble
Until they finally explode like a bursting bubble

© Phia

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Kommentare zu "Bursting bubbles"

Re: Bursting bubbles

Autor: Sandro N   Datum: 21.01.2018 16:33 Uhr

Kommentar: Schöner Text.
Ich kenne dieses Gefühl, das du beschreibst.
Diese Schüchternheit, die eigentlich keinen Sinn ergibt.
Und doch ist sie da und hält dich davon ab zu handeln....

Ich frage mich die ganze Zeit, wie sich dieser Text als Rap anhören würde.
Conscious Rap natürlich;)
Gruß, Sandro

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