We’re living in a world of fear that changes day by day.
Hibernation overload told it pays to stay away.
Sensing the foreboding that is happening all around.
Fear is growing like a plague in every street and every town.

Some can somehow rise above this life and bring a smile.
They think of others, bring them comfort, through their trials.
When words begin to fail us, we watch and wait and see.
Life can get back up and once again support humanity.

Please give us guidance, keep us safe,
Keep us sheltered from the storm.
We are with you every step of the way.
For you plan to soon eliminate our struggles, mend our lives;

While we listen act and watch and wait and pray.
There are times in my life, I don’t know if I’m coming or going.
And it’s one of those times right now.
But life has a way of picking up the pieces, moving on.

So I trust we’ll get through this somehow.
We’re living on the edge of a hunger for a new tomorrow.
Time to overcome our worries and anxieties.
So hang on tight, till doubts and fears are no longer reality.

We can and will survive with this world’s amazing family.
Please give us guidance, keep us safe,
Keep us sheltered from the storm.
We are with you every step of the way.

For you plan to soon eliminate our struggles, mend our lives;
While we listen, act and watch and wait and pray.
There is wonder in the human heart. Wonder in each life.
Wonder in how hope returns with love and smiles.

So have a share right now in keeping hopes and dreams alive.
Focus on prevention, unselfish intentions and will us to survive.
Please give us guidance, keep us safe,
Keep us sheltered from the storm.

We are with you every step of the way.
For you plan to soon eliminate our struggles, mend our lives;
While we listen, act and watch and wait and pray.
thats number 1

© Fabian

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