Be My Bride


Girl are you still loving me
Lies are dreadful don't you see
Don't worry there's no need to hide
But you gotta hurry if you wanna be my bride
Anytime it can be to late
Because there is to much of hate
You shouldn't be unhappy with your life
So tell me before i have a different wife

Verse 1:
Am i really just a friend
This fairytale doesn't need to end
Golden times are almost up
And i'm crying like a pup
I question how do you react
And would you ever act
Would you laugh at me
But i love you and never he

Verse 2:
They always say that you dont do me good
I dont believe that but sometimes i think i should
I tried so hard to prove myself that you're the cure
But since i cried a shard of my heart i'm not that sure
I fight for you forever
Just to get the answer: Never
To the question i have still not asked
Because a NO would have made me blast

Verse 3:
Theres no need to convince you of me anymore
There are quite some sides of me that you adore
Otherwise we wouldnt keep in touch
You like me please tell me how much
I hear you laugh with me about my badest joke
So you know that i'm quite a nice bloke
Cause I know you like it when i tell you some funny things
Why don't you come and hug me with your angelwings

© Jason Sticcotti

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Beschreibung des Autors zu "Be My Bride"

Dieses Lied handelt von einem jungen Mann, der eine Frau liebt, welche sich in einer Beziehung mit einem anderen befindet. Sie hegt ebenfalls große Gefühle für ihn kann aber damit nicht offen umgehen. Er bittet sie darum ehrlich zu sein, bevor es zu spät ist.


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