He stands at the rim of an empty field,
The silence protects him by forming a shield,
The shield blasts away all the doubts and the sorrow,
No thought is spent about what comes tomorrow.

The sounds of nature are charming his ears,
The darkness protects him from anger and fears,
The fog is floating around his legs,
Desires and sadness it silently takes.

The shimmering moonlight is giving him peace,
His mind and his soul are filled up with ease,
His heart, filled with love, is beating low pace,
And thinking of her puts a smile on his face.

© Alle Rechte liegen bei Lukas Emmerich

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Beschreibung des Autors zu "The Foggy Field"

Dies ist mein erster Versuch ein Gedicht auf Englisch zu verfassen. Der größte Teil davon fiel mir ein, als ich auf einer großen, vom Wald gesäumten Wiese stand und den Nebel beobachtet habe.

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