What is that tremendous spark?
For it merges all nations to one.
Not to see the colour in brightful dark.
Or bother to wait for the sun.

Only becomes torture for those, who shall not devote.
It sprinkles, it heats, makes heavy hearts light.
Makes fools believe, we’re here to float.
And warriors bravely pick up the fight.

And only the wide, open eyes can feel lovers pain.
Though moist and drenched with tears.
The heaviness seeks to find the brain.

Did one love or win the fight?
Lovers are there to pursue love and life.
Not to be held in force of human strife.

© Bettina Müller, Alle Rechte vorbehalten, besonders das Recht auf Vervielfältigung und Verbreitung sowie Übersetzung. Kein Teil des Textes darf ohne schriftliche Genehmigung des Autors reproduziert oder verarbeitet werden.

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