When I´m thinking of your music......

I put on your music plate
In my thougts I can hear a `great!`

The sound goes into my head,
emotional textes and breathtaking sounds met.

Which great singer is singing this song....?
to him a beautiful talent belongs.

I hear every sound,
perfect music which I found.

I hear song after song,
and my heard goes with it along.

It goes into my heard
and my mind goes apart

The happiness makes me cry a little bit,
the beautiful music is where my head goes with.

It transferes me in a other world,
I hear the text word after word.

I am so happy that I can hear music like this,
I don´t ever want to miss.

This is what I love,
and my feelings go above.

This music is a present for everyone.
So much hearts you have already won.

Never let your talent go,
your Fans will always love you

- thats what you have to know.

by Sarah S., 2013

© Sarah S.

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Beschreibung des Autors zu "When I´m thinking of your music ~ music of Nick Howard"

Dieses Gedicht habe ich geschrieben, da mich die Musik von Nick Howard (Voice of Germany 2012) sehr inspirierte!
Er macht sehr sehr schöne Musik, ist mit Gefühl am Songtext schreiben und hat dazu eine wahnsinnig gute Stimme.
Er lebt seinen Traum, und das kann er gut, denn er lässt seine Fans mitträumen :)

Ok, WOW schon die 560 Aufrufe geschafft! .....Merci Merci!!

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