Who will win
Vina of three Gratiae
And three Gratiae
Now that dear
Freya Skaði is
Jumpin' high
From beneath the second root
Where each álf is a host
From amidst the Valleys Of Yews
Berta of my abode

Who will tag
Her who picks thrice
Three Gratiae
While a snout
And bristles
Of grime
Are worn by Vitandi, the feathered mare
Iron stressin' the nose
Of lovely Vitandi of sooty hair
And me rejoicin' to my abode

Who will take
Hráfnanna's player's height's
Summits bright
The hall to Delling
Turned into
A Vānirheim
The virgin's procession led by his blood
Approachin' and leavin' a Brownie's son
Great, thus Kynikós, as Úsheen, who's sought
As Chióni and Eyera, casts blossoms along

Guess for whom
Chrīussa's áss who
Goes before Mannrun
Clung to Bítsdottir like
The rose oil just
Applied to her by Unn
She who walks before Fíflskep's sis
Where no single hiss is perceived
Waitin' in Týrheim for Cleydóuchou kiss
The deilandi's venom mufflin' their screams

Know who's on
That strong-looking back
She's on Takvöll then
Behind Beinber's enclosure - a
Burrow in
Björnbern's den
Firm beyond the east
And on apes' covered thighs
And firmer behind
Eight of her maids
From where Hnoss you discover
And Goughrssemmi you find
Each Dygð a cave and twice
As many gates

© Psápfo

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Dieses Lied diktierte Polýmnia mir zwischen dem 31. Dec. 2021 u. Iunius 2022 CE.

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