A Thousand Possibilities

© https://www.amazon.de/Oblique-Halloween-Silhouette-Realistisch-Schauriger/dp/B07HPDXHH5

If i wouldn't be to shy to trie
There would be 1000 possibilities to die
Blade rope or knife
To end up my life
The list goes on and on
And fawns over me
But you're the most dangerous one
As you can see

Verse 1:
Please guide me when im in need
Before i start to bleed
I used to beg you for help to prevent a disaster
For instance making me dead
But now you're the reason to get it it over faster
Cause i'm not sure if you would be sad
So when i'm gone will it get better?
If it's done does it even matter?

Verse 2:
Why do i think that willingly killing me
Could set me free
My life goes downwards like a funnel
Why do they say that theres light after the tunnel
It could be the same old shit in my new life
After i quit the old one with a knife
With you it would make way more sense
Without you the pain would grow immense

Verse 3:
I need to mention that I don't pay attention if it costs my death
I swear I will be there for you until my last breath
And then when i'm a ghost i will come back
I will cling on you to bring you on the right track
Should i be so honest to tell you something true?
The only person who can save me now is you
Please don't get mad
I hope you can deal with that

© Jason Sticcotti

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Beschreibung des Autors zu "A Thousand Possibilities"

Dieses Lied handelt von einem jungen Mann, der beschreibt, dass er wüsste, wie er sein Leben beenden könnte, wenn er es wollte und die Frau die er liebt, die einzige ist, die ihn davor retten kann.

Bildquelle: https://www.amazon.de/Oblique-Halloween-Silhouette-Realistisch-Schauriger/dp/B07HPDXHH5

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